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Mrs. Mary King's C.E. School

Working together with God's help we can all achieve great things.

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Welcome to Class One


We got wonderfully muddy planting potatoes. Now we just need water, sunshine and plenty of patience!


We had a beautiful day to look for signs of spring. Children took photographs of the evidence we found. 

French Day - Some of our activities ...

Science Week 2023

Break an Egg!

We dropped eggs onto 4 different surfaces, predicting which surfaces might break the eggs. 


Here are the results:

Outdoor plastic floor                                       The eggs broke and splattered 

Wooden top of sand pit                                 The eggs broke and splattered

Safety surface under the bridge                  The eggs bounced and sustained minor dents

Grass                                                                   No damage 


Our investigations are set to continue ...


Shrove Tuesday & Ash Wednesday

Secret Readers

World Maths Day

We learned that Archimedes investigated catapults and how water levels rise when objects are placed in a container of water. 

At the end of the day we played dominoes and watched the story of Six Dinner Sid by Inga Moore on YouTube 

We were all excited about the tractor that had arrived in our playground by the time we got to school. We sat in the cab and learned about where some of our everyday foods come from. Thank you Horncastle Young Farmers for an exciting experience.