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Mrs. Mary King's C.E. School

Working together with God's help we can all achieve great things.

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DT- making castles with moving drawbridges Spring 2

Tattershall Castle

We had a fantastic trip to Tattershall castle to support our history topic. We enjoyed medieval dancing, brass rubbing and a tour of the castle, right up to the battlements! 

French day

We had a great morning sampling brioche, pain au chocolat and crossiants. We then made crepes and French flags. We learnt the French colours and how to ask for our food in French too! 

Art Batik

Science week 2023

We really enjoyed joining a live science lesson with thousands of children across the country. We learnt about different materials used to make tractors and how tractors and space are connected! 

Maths Day!

Tractor visit in the snow

Class 2 Newsletter Spring 2 2023

Class 2 Newsletter February 2022

Well done to all of the class 2 children who achieved certificates and badges in their gymnastics club this term.

Go Dance

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We have really enjoyed our weekly dance lessons this term.

Music performance

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We have been exploring the theme of water in music. We have learnt a new version of row, row, row your boat and put accompaniments to it.

Class 2 Newsletter

November 2021


          We hope that you had a restful half-term


Here is what we will be learning about in each area of the curriculum during the next half term:

Literacy: Traditional tales including alternative versions, poetry, instructions

Geography: Weather

Science: Seasonal change

RE: Thankfulness

DT: Textiles-making puppets

ICT: Algorithms and debugging

Music: Ourselves and machines using music express programme

PSHE: Valuing difference

PE: Gymnastics and cheerleading

Numeracy: Shape, money, Y2 multiplication/ Y1 place value

We will also begin learning all the songs and practicing for our Christmas play!


A few reminders:

P.E. days can vary so please ensure that your child has their named PE kit with them at all times.

Reading books. Please read with your child as often as possible, a minimum of 3 times a week. It really does make a huge impact on the progress they make in school.

Seesaw-We will be sending out passwords for everyone shortly and using this to set weekly phonics links-please look out for these in the next week or so.

Jumpers and coats-please ensure these are clearly named.

Water- The children can now bring their own named bottle into school each day containing water. We also have cups available in the classroom.  

Fruit-In year 1 and 2 we continue to be provided with free fruit each day. There is not always a choice so if your child wishes to bring some of their own they are welcome to do so.


Please contact us with any concerns or messages about your child on our class email address:


Many thanks for your continued support,

Mrs R Wheatley             Mrs E Osborne              Mrs R Cowling

Teacher Mon-Wed          Teacher Thurs-Fri         Teaching Assistant Mon-Fri


Music lessons

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We have really enjoyed our Music lessons this term with our visiting Music teacher from the Lincolnshire Music service.


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