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Mrs. Mary King's C.E. School

Working together with God's help we can all achieve great things.

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Continuation of bubbles until the end of term

Following on from last week’s information regarding our policy on face coverings for parents we have considered the other freedoms that the lifting of restrictions offers school.


Taking into account what is really happening and the fact that we are seeing more staff having to isolate, nothing much else will change in school this week apart from us holding end of year services in church. Bubbles and separate playtimes will remain in place. When we go to church, children will remain in their bubbles with some separation.


We might plan in some mixed playtimes, but will want to support these carefully as some younger children might find this a shock as they have never mixed with the older children.

We are very much aware that many people will be looking forward to holidays and the last thing we want is more people having to isolate.


I don’t think that it is worth predicting what arrangements will be for September. I would like to think it will look like normality but a lot could happen between now and then…