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Mrs. Mary King's C.E. School

Working together with God's help we can all achieve great things.

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Covid 19 lifting of restrictions July 19th

With the lifting of restrictions nationally on Monday, we will be changing our advice for both school sites. We will no longer insist on face coverings within the grounds, and leave this up to individual judgement. We would ask that you continue to wear face coverings in the entrance lobby for the time being.

Staff will have the choice of wearing face coverings within communal areas where there are a lot of adults.


We have asked you to get children tested for cold symptoms but the government have not changed the official list to reflect the current scientific evidence. We therefore do not feel we are in a position to compel parents to test children in circumstances where they have to lie about the symptoms to get a test.


We hope that you will continue to take a cautious approach in September. The likelihood is that infection rates amongst the young will be at a high level by that point. However, at some point we will have to catch up with all the everyday bugs that we have been protected from during the last eighteen months.


We know that we have very sensible parents, so trust that you will continue to make good decisions as you have all the way through the pandemic.


We will continue to encourage good hygiene and handwashing as it has clearly made a big difference.