Mrs Sharman the school SENDCO will be leaving us at Christmas, she will be taking up a full time position with the local authority special education needs team. Mrs Skinner will be taking over from January. Mrs Skinner is a qualified teacher who has been working at Walcott as TA for the last year. She will be undertaking the national professional qualification in special needs during the year.
Mrs Sharman has had one and a half days a week shared between the two schools to carry out her roll, we have recognised that this is not nearly enough time to meet demand, therefore Mrs Skinner will have three days. Mrs Skinner will work Monday to Wednesday and divide her time between the sites. Her aim is to build in time to deliver interventions herself and spend more time in classrooms than Mrs Shaman has been able to. Mrs Skinner has been running a very success Lego therapy intervention since the summer, this is something she hopes to offer at both sites along with other practical support.
Mrs Skinner is a passionate advocate of special needs education and is looking forward to taking up this roll. She has already spent time getting to know classes at Mrs Mary King’s School and I am sure you will make her very welcome.