Dear Parents
Following Mrs Reid’s announced retirement we have been looking to recruit a new staff member for the federation. We have sought to find the strongest possible candidate for either a KS1 teacher for Walcott or KS2 for Mrs Mary King’s. Following Interviews on Friday we appointed Miss Alex Warner who will work with class two at Walcott. Devising a structure that allowed for Mrs Wheatley to remain a full-time teacher has been a priority for Mrs Mary King’s School. Mrs Osborne will return to Mrs Mary King’s with Walcott part time teacher Mrs Beckingham as her job share partner. The staffing structure for September will be as follows:
Class 1 Mrs Reed
Class 2 Mrs Wheatley
Class 3 Mrs Osborne and Mrs Beckingham (currently teaching Class 2 at Walcott)
Class 4 Miss Watson
Mrs Wheatley will take over the role of Base Leader from Mrs Reid. Miss Watson is looking forward to taking on the role of class four teacher, she will be well supported by Mr Churchward her counterpart at Walcott. Obviously, this is a significant change for Mrs Mary King’s as we have had a long period of stability but hopefully it offers new opportunities and develops the roles of experienced staff. There will be a number of transition sessions before the end of term that will allow children to meet their new teachers.
Mrs Skinner has been taken ill, and from what I can ascertain will not be back in school for a few weeks. Please do not try and contact her in the meantime, she won’t be accessing her emails. I am sure you will join with me in wishing her a speedy recovery, I know that she will want to be back in school as soon as possible.
Aylmerton Residential Briefing
There will be a meeting for parents to explain the itinerary and practical arrangements for the forthcoming residential trip to Norfolk on Wednesday 22nd June at 3.15pm in Class Four. The kit list of essential items has been sent with children today and there will be a medical form sent home later this week that needs to be completed and returned by the 22nd June.
Leaver’s Service
The Leaver’s service will be on Friday 22nd July in Holy Trinity Church at 2.00pm. This year’s service will obviously be particularly poignant as it will be Mrs Reid’s last day too. **NOTE THIS IS CAHNGE TO THE PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED DATE.